



jesus love me so so so much


i remember got one day night, i crying n blame my mum said..."i cant feel love in this house! always i come home just like rent a room only! i come back,no 1 can smile to me, u just like to show ur black face to me, bro scold me, daddy dnt talk to me, how can i continue stay in this house! "
my mum said it back to me..."how come u wan me to love you, u din do anything good for this family, still wan to receive love from me!?"this word is qc hurt feeling to me..since that day i thought that....love is got requirement wan

but it is ok...that juz a pass...but the point is...if i do anything wrong...big wrong...izit my family still accept me?a question mark...hmm...but pls dnt miss understand lah,i know my family love me so much...only tat they dnt know how to love me...but i still love them so much..because this is a family god give to me~

but only got a name that i know he wont give up me n love me all the time...JESUS...

i said to him...im sorry my dear god...i always do wrong...n hurt u...can u forgive me?god pls dnt leave me....dnt leave me 1 person....pls draw me in to u...i know u hate sins....i am a sinner...god pls dnt hate me...i dnt wan go back to the pass....i want to walk wif u...god,pls dnt leave me...

i always say it in my heart...because i know without him...im nothing..without his love...i cant live...i scare his love far away from me...


...i know is him....is his voice....SPIRIT OF GOD....how true is him!....

once i doing work today....this word suddenly come into my heart...
my tears drop out.....im trying to restrain myself...
but i cannot stop it...because his voice really true to me...

i know he love everyone...i know he love me....but i underrate the love of god already...
i always thought the love of god give to me is limited...
but today....he let me more clear to know that....wat means of god love



ThE LifE oF ChrisT

Isaiah 51:4
Listen to Me, My people,
give your ear to Me, O My nation,
for a Law shall proceed from Me,
and I will Make My Judgment
to Rest for a Light of the people.

I Corinthians 2:9; John 1`5:10; Matthew 3:3; Ephesians 5;1,2,11
But as it Is Written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, ...
the things that GOD has Prepared for them that love Him.

If you keep My Commandments you shall abide in My Love; ...

... Prepare you the Way of The LORD, make His Paths straight.

Be you therefore, followers of GOD, ...
have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather, reprove them.
Revelation 22:13; Ephesians 4:6; John 17:21; Luke 19:10
I AM ... The Beginning and The End, The First and The Last.

One GOD and FATHER of all, Who IS Above all, and Through all, and In you all.

That they all may be One; as You, FATHER, Art In Me, and I In You, ...
that they also may be One In us;
that the world may believe that You have Sent Me.

For the Son of man Is Come to Seek and to Save that which was lost.


JesUs...y U so LovE uS..

JesuS wHy u sO LovE mE.....?
iM jusT a SinneR...
iM jusT 1 of thE YounG ppL wHo aRE aRRoganT n FuLL of SinS...
bUt u SaVe mE FroM TheM....u breaK my HeaRt.....n TurN me BacK to U..
iM DifferenT FroM TheM nOw, n mY FrienDs......BecoZ my LifE gOt U...u haD ChanGe mY LifE...
GoD...pLs uSe mE...i NeeD u To LeaD Me n TeLL Me wAt i NeeD to Do...Gv me MorE ConfidenT...
JesUs....pLs oPen ThieR HearT....ChanGe ThieR LifE...LeT TheM KnoW WhO R u...n TurN BacK tO U...ThEy STiLL DnT KnoW wAt TheY DoinG nOw...TheY ToT ThieR FuTure in ThieR HAndS..
TheY LaugH aT u...TheY DnT wAn to KnoW u....ThEy FuLL oF aRRoganT....EnJoy in SinS...
BuT GoD...pLs SaVe TheM n ForGivE TheM....BecoZ TheY reaLLy DnT KnoW WhaT TheY dOing nOw....
JesUS...Y u sTiLL LovE TheM so MucH....Y u CrY FoR TheM....
GoD....pLzz LeT TheM KnoW HoW MucH yOu LovE TheM..


mEmory aLwayS gooD~

DaviD KhuN^^

reCorDing StudiO

DnT c HiM likE tat, he Singing veRy Pro^^


Teacher zHi Yuan^^cuTe

TiS GuY voiCe LikE jaWang..hehe

SnoW FisH so cuTe

MaK Hon YeaN magic ManXD

sO SweeT^^

Chee YoU & mE