JesuS wHy u sO LovE mE.....?
iM jusT a SinneR...
iM jusT 1 of thE YounG ppL wHo aRE aRRoganT n FuLL of SinS...
bUt u SaVe mE FroM TheM....u breaK my HeaRt.....n TurN me BacK to U..
iM DifferenT FroM TheM nOw, n mY FrienDs......BecoZ my LifE gOt U...u haD ChanGe mY LifE...
GoD...pLs uSe mE...i NeeD u To LeaD Me n TeLL Me wAt i NeeD to Do...Gv me MorE ConfidenT...
JesUs....pLs oPen ThieR HearT....ChanGe ThieR LifE...LeT TheM KnoW WhO R u...n TurN BacK tO U...ThEy STiLL DnT KnoW wAt TheY DoinG nOw...TheY ToT ThieR FuTure in ThieR HAndS..
TheY LaugH aT u...TheY DnT wAn to KnoW u....ThEy FuLL oF aRRoganT....EnJoy in SinS...
BuT GoD...pLs SaVe TheM n ForGivE TheM....BecoZ TheY reaLLy DnT KnoW WhaT TheY dOing nOw....
JesUS...Y u sTiLL LovE TheM so MucH....Y u CrY FoR TheM....
GoD....pLzz LeT TheM KnoW HoW MucH yOu LovE TheM..